Comprehensive and detailed summary of Poker terminology for newbies

If you’ve ever played Poker, you’ve probably come across technical terms that at first you won’t understand. In this case, don’t worry or get discouraged because everyone was once a player and didn’t know anything about these terms. To help newbies quickly get up to speed with the game, today’s article New88 will summarize commonly used Poker terms in a complete and detailed manner.
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Group of Poker terms about positions at the table
To help you grasp this content more easily and quickly, the terms will be divided into groups with the same topic. Next, let’s learn about Poker terms about positions at the table.
- Button/ Dealer/ BTN: used to indicate the dealer or the person sitting in the dealer position. In this position, you will have the right to make the final action in the betting rounds (except the pre-flop round).
- Small blind and big blind: These are the two positions where the big blind and small blind are placed adjacent to the dealer’s left.
- Under the Gun: indicates the position adjacent to the left of the small blind and big blind. These are the first 2 action positions in the preflop round, followed by positions UTG+1, UTG+2…
- Cut off (CO): this is the position on the right hand side of the Dealer. This position has the right to take action immediately before the dealer’s last action, so it is considered the second advantage position in the table.
- Early Position (EP): the first position in the betting round, the player in this position must act before all other players so does not have much advantage.
- Late Position (LP): refers to the position at the end of the table, has the same advantage as Dealer or Cut off.
- Middle Position (MP): is the sitting position between the end of the table and the beginning of the table. In this position, the player has more options than the EP position but will have less advantage compared to CO and LP.
Poker terminology about players in the game
To become a Poker master, bettors should start to familiarize themselves with the terms of this game. With this group of terms referring to players, you will have the following words/phrases:
- Aggressive: refers to aggressive bettors, often raising the bet level to high levels.
- Tight: refers to a tight, tight player who only continues to play when he has strong cards in his hand.
- Loose: refers to a person who plays many hands. This term is also divided into two types: Lossless Passive – people who play many passive hands and Lossless Aggressive – people who play many active hands.
- Passive: implies the player is always in a passive position. These people often have low Bet and Raise rates while high call and check rates.
- Calling Station: are players who always follow their cards to showdown, regardless of whether they hold strong or weak cards.
- Fish: refers to shady, unprofessional players.
- Shark: These are experienced and highly skilled players, players worth paying attention to at the table.
- Donkey (Donk): is a word that refers to a weak, unskilled player, with a mocking connotation.
Group of terms about how to play poker
With this group of Poker terms, you need to learn the following:
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- Tight: indicates tight gameplay, only playing strong hands like 88+, AQ, AK, JTs, KQ…
- Loose: is an open style of play, playing many cards, with little hand selection.
- Aggressive: a strong attacking style of play, using bets and raising continuously and rarely using checks or calls.
- Passive: is a passive way of playing, the opposite of aggressive.
- Tight Aggressive: This is a combination of the two ways of playing Tight and Aggressive – attacking tightly. These types of players often choose the hand to play, and when playing, they bet or raise.
- Loose Aggressive: refers to a playing style that favors aggressive attacks. Loose Aggressive players often bet and raise with a lot of hands.
- Rock / Nit: Cautious playing style, only bet when you have very strong hands.
- Hit and Run: refers to the way of playing quickly when winning and leaving the table immediately, leaving the opponent no chance to retaliate.
Group of terms about cards in poker betting game
There are many terms in this group and are very important, so please pay attention to reference and memorize them.
- Deck: refers to the deck of cards used to play poker.
- Burn/Burn Card: are unused, discarded cards.
- Community Cards: This is a common card that everyone can see and can be combined with the trump cards in the players’ hands.
- Hand: This term is used quite a lot, referring to the 5 best cards a player gets when combining trump cards and community cards – Community Cards.
- Hole Cards/ Pocket Cards: are each poker player’s own trump card. For example, with Texas Hold’em, each player will be dealt 2 trump cards.
- Made Hand: is a strong bond of 2 pairs or more.
- Draw: are cards that wait and are only missing 1 or 2 cards to combine into a complete strong hand.
- Trash: are trash cards, odd cards.
- Kicker: term used to refer to the extra cards that decide the final winner if the players have the same connection. For example, if two players both own four-of-a-kind 8s, the person with the larger odd card will win.
- Over-pair: the highest pair of trump cards in a Poker game.
- Top pair: pair made up of the brother’s trump card with the highest community card on the table.
- Middle pair: is a pair formed from the player’s trump card with the community card in the middle on the Flop.
A term referring to the action in poker gaming
In the Poker card game, there are many actions players can and need to perform. You need to master the knowledge of this Poker terminology to be able to play this game well.
- Cold calling: this is the action of following a bet when there has previously been a bettor and a raiser. For example, person A bets 10 dong, person B raises 30 dong, if you bet 30 dong, it is called a Cold call.
- Open: means opening bets. You are the first to put money into the pot.
- Limp: refers to the act of entering a bet by calling the bet, not raising.
- Fold: The action of a player giving up their cards without calling their bet if they see a poor hand.
- 3-bet: means re-raise – raise more. Usually this action takes place pre-flop after there have been bettors and raisers. After 3-bet, there will be 4-bet, 5-bet, 6-bet…
- Steal: means making a bet/raising with the hope that other players will fold – fold.
- Squeeze: the act of raising when there has previously been one bettor and at least one raiser.
- Isolate: refers to isolating a player by raising to chase away all other players.
- Muck: just not letting your opponent see your cards at the end of the hand.
- Bluff: just the act of making a false bet to scare the opponent, hoping the opponent thinks their hand is strong and will give up.
- Semi-bluff: also a scare bet but not a bluff bet. Your cards still have a chance to get stronger in the following rounds (like there are cards waiting).
Above is all shared about these Poker terminology Often used in practice playing this card game. Bettors, especially newbies, should try to refer to and memorize these technical words/phrases to be able to bet more effectively and professionally. In addition, besides the terms mentioned above, Poker still has many other equally interesting terms. If you have time, please continue to learn.